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The Regulations for the use of the Erasmus e-learning platform

The Regulations for the use of the
e-learning platform

The following rules for the use of the  e-learning platform at WSB University, hereinafter referred to as the platform, are hereby established.

1.      The basis for proper use of the platform is access to the Internet network and having a web browser in any operating system, configured to manage and save cookies.

2.      Any additional system and application requirements result form the content of learning materials and depend on platform users. 

3.      The platform user account is created independently by each interested party. In order to create an account it is necessary to provide the user’s name, surname and e-mail address.

4.      In the event of a lack of access to the platform, improper operation of the platform, lack of access to the course or suspicion that an account is used by unauthorised persons, these facts should be reported immediately to the platform administrator or to the person appointed by the platform administrator. 

5.      The account user is responsible for the content on the platform. 

6.      It is forbidden to submit content on the platform that violates the rights of third parties, is offensive or vulgar, promotes violence, hatred, and breaches moral norms or decency. The use of available means of communication shall also be prohibited in such a way as to cause loss of stability or overload of the platform. In the event that these policies are violated, the user account may be suspended. 

7.      Content prohibited will be removed from platform resources.

8.      The user has the opportunity to complete or rectify the data in his/her profile. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the accuracy of the data constituting the user’s profile, including ensuring that the e-mail address provided in the profile is up-to-date. Any additional information specified in the profile as optional, is entered or deleted by the user at his or her own request. 

9.      WSB University shall not be liable for any damage caused by the use of data and information posted by other platform users, as well as lack of access or irregularities in the operation of the platform due to reasons beyond the control of WSB University. 

10.  Any information regarding assistance related to the functioning of the platform shall be provided by the administrator.

11.  The processing of user data is based on Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) hereinafter referred to as the GDPR and the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018 (Journal of Laws 2018 item. 1000 with later).

12.  The Controller of personal data is WSB University with its registered office in Dąbrowa Górnicza 41-300, at ul. Cieplaka 1C, who can be contacted by sending an e-mail to: or by calling the phone number. + 48 32 262-28-05. The Controller has also appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted by sending an e-mail to:

13.  The Controller processes personal data of users to the extent necessary to create a user account and to use the e-learning platform pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR, more information on the conditions and grounds for the processing of personal data can be found in the information obligation regarding the conditions of processing of personal data published and available in accordance with para. 15 of the Regulations.

14.  The information obligation regarding the processing of personal data was made available online on the WSB University e-learning platform, which each user is obliged to read before creating a user account.

15.  The current content of the Regulations is available on the  e-learning platform.


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